Automation: taking all sections with one code


Customize the capture / removal of all sections of the object with a single code. In this case, it is necessary that each of the partitions can be armed separately.


It is necessary to create one more section and the rule of automation, which will allow placing existing partitions under protection when taking a new one.


Suppose an object has two partitions, the first one is a house, the second one is a garage.

  • Partition No. 1: Loops 1,2, 3;
  • Partition No. 2: Loops 4,5.

Create another section No. 3, and another user. With use of the code of this user it will be possible to remove and set the entire object as a guard. Add a new user to section No. 3.

Next, you need to create two rules of automation.

Automation: arming all sections

On the“Automation” tab, click on the “Add action” button.
In the "Action" field from the drop-down list select the value "Arm".
In the “Partition", select "All partitions".

In the "Condition" field, select “on event" value.
In the field “Event code” select the value “R401”;
In the “Partition" select value "3".

Click“OK” to save the rule.

Disarming all sections

The rule is similar to the previous one, but to remove all partitions with one code.

As a result, there should be two rules of automation:

After the settings are saved to the device, it will be possible to arm and disarm all partitions of the object with one code.


  • If at the moment of takingin the partition the loop is violated, the partition will not be armed;
  • If the application MyAlarm2 is used to control the device, then two more rules need to be added to the rules of the automation: for R407 / E407 take / remove codes;
  • If one adds a TM-key to auser, then using this key, you can disarm / arm all partitions in the same way as with a code.


  • Automation: House mode
  • Automation: arm on schedule
  • Automation: Beacon
  • Automation: Siren
  • Armand disarm with choosing of partition